job numbers

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  1. It's not a job for anyone who is slow with numbers
  2. However, the fallout from Facebook ( FB), weak job numbers and the European debt crisis have shaken investor appetite for new listings, especially in the Internet sector.
  3. For example, if your main application starts different jobs for different tasks, you don't always know the job numbers of these jobs.
  4. Money is definitely a big stressor for job hunters and there's nothing more depressing than seeing the numbers in your bank account drop.
  5. If you want to keep your job and move up, stop thinking that you have to put in a ridiculous numbers of hours per week.
  6. Today's young job seekers are vying for government posts in record numbers.
  7. You're not making finding a job a job itself: Many people don't adopt a committed, passionate, failure-is-not-an-option attitude and don't recognize that finding a job is a numbers game.
  8. Frustrated by the quality of domestic schooling and gloomy job prospects, increasing numbers of high school graduates are choosing to go abroad to study.
  9. Some people treat job hunting as a numbers game.
  10. Rossi, 31, spends his days calculating the future costs of the Pentagon's pension, health and education benefits, but says his job involves more than just crunching numbers for spreadsheets.
  11. Yet the picture on wage growth is not entirely reflected in job numbers.
  12. At the other end of the spectrum we have want ads and job fairs, which deliver daunting numbers of contacts inexpensively ― but they're low-quality contacts.
  13. The big question among investors is whether the anemic job numbers are temporary or evidence of deeper economic problems.
  14. The White House downplayed the lower job numbers as just a bump in the road.
  15. While the job numbers continue to deteriorate, Wall Street is enjoying good times again and preparing another season of huge bonuses.
  16. If they're sort of doing their job right, they're actually diversifying away all the risk and relying on the law of large numbers.
  17. In job management you can only view optional I numbers for a vehicle.
  18. Remember what good sales people already know: that winning a sale, a job, or any other goal is a numbers game.
  19. Overall job numbers are down, but Canada's biggest banks are hiring and its financial sector has not seen its job market falter like that of the US.
  20. Normally, then, we expect policy makers to respond to bad job numbers with a combination of patience and resolve.
  21. But efforts by governments to extend and prolong unemployment benefits, and to offer more job counseling and training have not kept up with the rising numbers of jobless.
  22. He is assigned the job of checking the numbers of steal cars.
  23. Although polls show more Americans disapprove of his job performance than approve of it, such numbers are not uncommon for an incumbent president one year before a reelection bid.
  24. Not only does more job opportunities are created in the same investment, but also large numbers of immigrants can be absorbed.